Vulcan Models Guide
Created by Adam Poultney
Building Vulcans Accurately
As with many aircraft, you can't expect to just glue a kit together, slap on some paint and have a perfect and accurate scale recreation of the real thing. but for some modellers this is ok, and that's fine. The first rule of scale modelling is to have fun. Personally, I particularly enjoy pouring over tiny details and making sure they are right, at least on Vulcans. In this section of the site, you will be able to learn about the various differences between airframes and things that changed over time. I will try to rate each feature as "basic", "advanced", "pedantic" and "rivet counter" to give some indication of how important/unimportant each feature is and to hopefully prevent some people from getting lost in the sheer amount of things to keep track of; I find it hard to draw a line and just build when doing my Vulcans, I'm always looking for the next detail to double check or correct.

Engines and jetpipes - basic
This section describes the different engine types fitted to each Vulcan and how they should be modelled - basic

Nose tip - TFR - basic
This section describes the changes to the nose tip of the Vulcan throughout its service life to to with Terrain Following Radar (TFR). This has a surprisingly large impact on the aesthetics of a Vulcan.

Intakes - basic
This section will list which Vulcans had wide or narrow intakes.
Image - XH538, public domain

Skybolt Blisters - advanced
This section will list which Vulcans were fitted with what blisters relating to Skybolt - there are a lot of them.

Coming Soon!
IFR probe - basic
This section will give some details of the IFR probes. As a rivet counter bonus, this section will describe how Vulcans on the production line were prepared for IFR to be fitted at a later point.

Electronic CounterMeasures (ECM) Plates - basic
This section describes the ECM plates fitted to Vulcan B1as and B2s, which airframes should have one, which should have two, and which should have none.

Tail cap - rounded or RWR - basic
This section describes the versions of the top of Vulcan's tailfin; do you need the original rounded version or the later squared RWR tail?

Tailcone - basic/advanced
This section will describe the differences in the tailcones of Vulcans
Basic - original tail or ECM tail
Advanced - which version

The B2MRR - advanced/pedantic
This section will describe how to model a Vulcan B2.MRR including the relevant blisters and the ARI-18235 blade shaped aerials fitted to B2MRRs (pedantic)

Coming Soon!
IFR lights - rivet counter
This section will describe the placement and fitting of the lights which iluminated the IFR probe - some Vulcans were built without them.