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Maritime Radar Reconnaissance 


XJ823, the only complete B2MRR today


Maritime Radar Reconnaissance

In 1973, 27 Sqn reformed to take on the MRR role. Initially, a number of standard B2s were used while the first B2MRRs were still receiving the necessary modifications. The first B2MRR was delivered in late December 1973, with further deliveries taking place throughout 1974 and then again in 1977. 

The Vulcan B2MRR aircraft were:

XH534, XH537, XH558, XH560, XH563, XJ780, XJ782, XJ823 and XJ825

Air Sampling Role

More blisters

Five of the nine 27 Sqn B2MRRs were refitted to fulfil the squadron's secondary role, air sampling. Air sampling pods were mounted on new attachment points just outboard of the twin Skybolt blisters, which the five air sampling MRRs had. When not in use, the mounting points were covered with a pair of blisters slightly smaller than the Skybolt ones and a much smaller blister behind.

These aircraft were:

XH534, XH537, XH558, XH560 and XH563 


XH558, an ex-B2MRR with Air Sampling Pod mounting blisters


ARI-18235 Chelton Type Aerial on the surviving cockpit of XH563

ARI-18235 Aerials

White blade aerials

In 1975, a new white aerial appeared on each side of the nose of XL361, one of the standard Vulcan B2s which 27 Sqn had used before the MRRs were delivered. This was the ARI-18235 Chelton type white blade aerial and was subsequently fitted to all B2MRRs around 1977.

Vulcans with the ARI-18235 aerial:

XH534, XH537, XH558, XH560, XH563, XJ780, XJ782, XJ823, XJ825 and XL361



All Vulcan B2MRRs either had their TFR removed or never had it fitted in the first place, it was unnecessary due to their maritime role. Confusingly, XJ823, the only preserved B2MRR, has the TFR fitted currently. XH558 is another preserved Vulcan which was an MRR but was converted to K2 status then reverted to near B2 status, this one features the removed TFR. You can read more about TFR in its dedicated section here


XH558 with the TFR removed

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